A Few Of My May-vorite Things

Happy Spring, how it is May already? I thought I would share some things that have infused beautiful things into my life lately.

These tinctures have been life-altering, and I’m quite serious. I found them through an online ad, and purchased the whole set to try on a sort of whim. What I can tell you is that they have caused noticeable and deep shifts in my experience of daily life. These plants are the real deal… I’m so grateful for them and what they’ve brought to my system. I feel more connected to life; more productive, positively-charged, and engaged with the world. Those who love microdosing might actually be astonished by this product, I was. If you only go for one, SOL would be my suggestion. You can save 10% from my referral code: TRACEEKAFERClick here to check ‘em out.

This has been a favorite of mine for a few years, actually, but I haven’t shared it here. These speakers are so ‘effin elegantly designed, packaged, and built, you will be impressed. When I first got mine, I found myself curling up with it listening to old school radio, audiobooks, and acoustic tunes. The wood actually warms up the voices, giving you a very unique listening experience. It’s powerful for its tiny size, and lightweight, I’ve even worn it on hikes. Put your phone down, set this speaker up, and de-stimulate your world, this is hands-down my favorite listening device. ROSEWOOD is my fave

This article on FLOW TRIGGERS will kinda blow your mind with its succinct and robust truth. Get inspired for your next FLOW STATE when you read it.

If your sincere interest in the natural world is anything like mine, this book, labeled “instructive poetry”, will have you weeping in sheer appreciation. It’s a love letter, pure and simple. The words will infuse your spirit, and help you more easily see, and most importantly respect, the majesty that is literally all around you. Purchase link

AGNI MANITITE: A psudo-tektite of pure focus & productivity
This stone is basically a unique form of Obsidian, but it’s energetic properties are marked. I don’t often share of the metaphysical qualities of crystal work, but lately, it’s hard to keep quiet about how much I love Agni’s energy and form! There is very little said online about this stone, so I speak from my own experience. I have a few of them in any work or creative space - they seem to light up my Solar Plexus and Third Eye/Throat — activating really juicy productivity and confidence in my creative ventures. I have a few of these in my collection available for sale, you can always email me, or DM me on Instagram and I’ll happily share with you the pieces I have available. They look a lot like Moldavite and other tektites, as they are also a form of glass, but they were formed from volcanic activity, not meteor. You can find some Agni on Etsy.