A Movement Exploration Idea For You ✨👇🏼 (Hands)

Select an object (can be person, place or thing) to orient your movement to/around… without being in direct contact with it.

Look but don’t touch.

Move near, but don’t engage.

Have a relationship, but avoid contact.

As you move, the slower the better, start to allow your conscious awareness to consider the following:

“What am I spiraling around (thought, word or actions), but honestly am somehow avoiding?”

“What do I want to be closer to, but am unwilling to touch?”

“What do I want to bring in to my experience, but can’t seem to?”

The exercise as is combines your environment, with your body, with your senses, with your inner felt sense and stuff deeper and older.

It allows you to take something that might seem a little hard to see or understand, and puts it right in front of you. And your body can then interact with this.

Notice what comes up.

Keep moving, keep staying in your awareness, and as things arrive inside and out, you can follow what feels like it wants to happen next in your movement, or your body.

If it feels honest to come into direct contact with that thing you are avoiding, slow that way doooowwwwnnn, and follow it.

Again, notice what comes up.

Give yourself at least 10 minutes (preferably more like 20) to explore this whole thing, so you can enter and exit without moving too quickly for all the parts of you that might become involved in the exploration.

You might enjoy journaling afterward.

If you try it, let me know how it goes xo

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