FYF CHALLENGE #24: Leg Hang Love



Very much like a previous challenge we did called #positionplay over a year ago, this next challenge attempts to work within the movements you love – LEG HANGS!

You may already have go-to shapes and lines in your favorite leg hangs...this freestyle exercise is designed to BREAK those habits. It’s like muscle memory, once you land on something you like (and that works), it sometimes becomes difficult to take risks again to find the “new” in old favorites!

For this challenge, choose static or spin pole (high or low!) and ask your body to NOT make the shapes you may always experience, but to explore the lines, directions, transitions, and focal points you don’t explore. Don’t forget to honor your process and use the intentions that help you most; whether it is shape-focused (straight lines? bent lines? contorted? open/closed?), emotions/expressions focused (What might JOY look like in a leg hang? Melancholy?), or movement or musical quality (Smooth? Aquatic? Rapid? Hitting?).

Good luck, be patient and feel free to try this a few times before you decide to move on or select a clip to share with us! It doesn’t matter if something you discover for you has already been “discovered” by another, this is about YOUR journey and what feels new to YOUR body – not what IG trick invention we can all claim!

Enjoy the practice, love the journey, stay curious, and share success!