A testament to the power of FREESTYLE: Kayla

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what makes me a dancer. If I care whether that word or label fits me. What my definition of a dancer even is. I’m always examining the qualities I would like my movement to reflect. Which characteristics I feel need to be present in order for my movement to be authentic. And why it matters to me that these qualities exist. Lately I’ve been noticing a more deeply rooted groundedness with the floor beneath me. And it is so lovely to experience this. To be feeling stronger support and security through my feet. I contemplate how important it is (or isn’t) to be flexible with this quality. Do I want it always present at a naturally consistent level? Do I want to hone the ability to skim the surface of contact yet also be able to anchor down beneath the floorboards? Do I want to remain open to trusting that my body will choose intuitively for me? I get so much joy and fulfillment from ruminating over these concepts.

Freestyle, and becoming more proficient at it if that is desired, requires work like anything else. It is a skill in and of itself that can be developed, nurtured, strengthened, and fine tuned with time and a commitment to practice it. I strive to approach my practice with an open mind that is receptive to newness, the unfamiliar, the uncomfortable, and the unconventional. I cannot know or cultivate a connection with what I haven’t felt or experienced yet. Nor do I want the extra weight of possessing any resistance or judgment towards anything I don’t yet know. It is a gift to not be afraid that my freestyle outwardly looks weird or strange or empty or repetitive or chaotic. Or any commonly perceived negative trait. Exploring the art of freestyle opens me to limitless possibilities within my movement. Why would I not want that? It is very much a way of better understanding myself - my movement is a reflection of me. I’m very grateful for this ability to dive in curiously and to cultivate my relationship with my body’s expression. My eyes, heart, and mind have been forever opened thanks to @findingyourfreestyle and the community container that @traceekafer facilitates and fosters. I’m blessed. 🙏🏼✨

Written by Kayla, canineloveandcoffee