Please don’t let your IG news feed influence you OUT of...

Please don’t let your news feed influence you OUT of:

🎥 Making more space and time for your practice than what it takes to produce video content.

🌬 Making noise with your movement, breathing, sighing, talking to yourself, singing… these integrations are important and natural expressions.

✨ Following your most truthful impulses, because most of them aren’t interesting for the gaze of someone else, they are rooted in your needs.

✌🏼 Understanding the potency and significance of repetition and simplicity.

🧍‍♀️ Embodiment, meaning, the ability to stay in your body and in your felt sense, not sending your energy leaking into your camera lens (and away from your body) - it takes a developing capacity for this and loooooots of practice to 💃🏻 & 📸 both simultaneously well without abandoning your Self in some way in the process.

🛑 Your ability to pause and rest, which are healthy system responses and ones we suppress often.

🎨 Permission to be messy and un-put-together, to experience vulnerability in a social circle, not KNOW everything already, learn and experiment and explore and enjoy beginner’s mind energy.

💡 Your ability to notice and interact with your environment, can you really see (or willingly look at) what is around you? Can you feel your floor? Can you really listen to your music?

🧈🥞 Consciously release tension, not just amplify it so your body looks expanded and engaged at all times. There are many forms of presence.

😝 Silliness. Play. Curiosity. Flexibility with what happens, not just Control over.

I’m sure this list could continue, but please know good movement practices, that are SUSTAINABLE, have more dimension and range then what we see in what most folks produce on their phones. That content is designed for performative engagement, and much has to be dismissed to honor that priority. And it’s no one’s fault, and it’s not a problem, IF we can be discerning, and aware of WHAT is WHAT, and for WHO, and for WHY. ❤️✌🏼

Work with me:

👉🏼 Online Membership
👉🏼 Upcoming experiential Labs & Mentorship
👉🏼 One-on-Ones
👉🏼 Movt. Retreat Aug 2022 Costa Rica
👉🏼 🚨 NEW In-Person Workshops at @impulsepoledance 3/5 🚨