This this tonight ✨…

Notice the stuff you do as your day ends.

Notice the movements you make.

The patterns you follow.

Slipping on that beloved oversized soft ol thing you sleep in. Placing dinner on the plate. Washing the day off your face. Kissing the loved ones. Toothpaste on your toothbrush. Turning out the lights. Climbing stairs. Closing doors. Tip toes and book page turns and hot drinks and laptops closing and end-of-day sighs. Favorite lamps and whispering podcasts.

And instead of just getting whatever-it-is done, notice how it can be fuller, slower, more sensory, more appreciative. More alive.

It can be the smallest and most personal of dances. One that just makes a mundane moment more present and more pleasurable. More peaceful.

Let it remind you of the things that sustain you, let it remind you of your life’s unspoken beauty, let it remind you your surrounded by little blessings like familiar fabric, and warmth, good sounds, and rest.

Let’s all not take it for granted even though we get to do it again tomorrow.

It matters now. ❤️

DANCING MY GRATITTUE session is this month, Dec 16th. Details here.