The Open Hand

Exploring the Open Hand. A tip on using gesture consciously to invite a state change.

Openness. Reception. Gratitude.

Your body language informs (and is formed by) what you’re able to embody.

Exploring body-based practices with equipment, like a pole, for example, will have you moving through grip and tension.

These are not the expressions of openness (hint hint; your gateway to gratitude and reception.)

The same can go for floor-based movement, where we often actively use our hands through push and direct contact.

Good for connection, but not as open as the empty hand.

You can use this gesture of the Open Hand, infuse the expressions of it in your stillness, movement, and dance practice and notice how it can shift your energy.

You can also connect with the energy first (Reception, for ex.), and notice how this gesture can make it easier to “hold it” in your body experience.

Either way, this open-hand gesture can inform.

(But don’t forget to not just DO it, but take the time to FEEL it)

Play with any opportunities here for you to shift your state of being into receptivity, especially as you are exploring your written gratitude and visioning practices at the end of 2023.

Don’t forget about the body, and the importance of moving it into your body.

Your body IS your tangible expression.

The density of it can hold your intentions better and with more form.

If not receptivity, what state are you looking to connect with at the end of this year? Let me know in the comments. 💘